Pick Five Monday: Heather's Nautical edition
>> Monday, February 7, 2011
Happy Monday! This week's Pick Five Monday was written by the adorable Heather from June {Vintage}. She's got some wonderful picks in a great theme. Thanks, Heather!
Hello! I am Heather from over at June {Vintage} and am excited to share five favorites for this week's Pick Five Monday. I {occasionally} run a vintage store on Etsy when I am not busy being a full-time mom to a 3.5 year old ball of energy and a foster mom to some amazing kids. I used to be a police detective but you can now find me hiding out in thrift stores and behind the lens of my camera. I have been head over heels in love with a sailor for more than a decade-which is why this week's favorites are hitting the high seas!
Pick 1: So many things to love about this: the colors of the water + sun...the fussy cut fabric..the patchwork sailboat... so cute!
(credit: PatchworkDuck)
Pick 2: The charcoal with the rich colors of Plume fabric line by Tula Pink provide a perfect color palette to the simple "sails" on this square quilt. There is a lot of nautical themed items out there, particularly for little boys. If we ever have a girl, this option would be a great nursery addition!
(credit: teaginny)
Pick 3: I love the more traditional repetition of the sailboat pattern on this quilt (it is very similar to a vintage sailboat quilt that I have that was my husband's grandfather's-who was also in the Navy!) However, with the modern fabrics (polka dots!) and the very popular use of a rainbow color arrangement, this quilt is what makes quilting so amazing: a perfect balance of traditional and modern.
(credit: BlueElephantStitches)
Pick 4: Applique, tiny scraps, free motion quilting and one of my new favorite fabric lines (Urban Chik's Dream On): perfection! This isn't a traditional quilt block, but the quilter {Aneela Hoey} made it into a mini-quilt and it is a great combination of some of the most popular modern quilting aspects happening right now...
(credit: Aneela Hoey)
Pick 5: All good sailors use the stars to navigate the vast ocean! Amanda (MrsMcPorkChop) put together this amazing paper-pieced star pattern with fussy cut mermaids...I love, love, love the pop of color on the "horizon" in the corners!
(credit: mrsmcporkchop)
Thank you Erin for letting me share some of my favorites this week...it sure had me dreaming of salty summer air on this cold, winter day!
Pick Five Monday is a weekly column on the Quilting Bee Blocks blog featuring five of my favorite bee blocks from our Flickr pool. I am currently scheduling guest posters for 2011 to pick five of their favorite blocks and write a post telling us why. Email me for more information on how you can write one!